Traditional games could form a part of life experienced by our ancestors. The main thing that ensures the continuity of traditional games in the past is the uniformity of the way our ancestors lived. Traditional games also known as rakyat.Ada game between the current game is not played yet but is only known by the parents and grandparents sahaja.Tetapi some are still played again by children today.
Wau Bulan
Traditional games are still maintained to this day.
This traditional game has been played since time immemorial, it is meant to give pleasure after a hard bekerja.Sekarang traditional games are played by young people less time now because of competition with more sophisticated games.
Multi-racial society in Malaysia has worked on a wide variety of cultures from various keturunan.Kebudayaan was consolidated into a unique culture because almost every line has a custom to form their respective cultures.
Traditional games have the ability to form a part of life experienced by the ancestors of their respective communities. Important basis to ensure continuity of traditional games in the past is uniformity way our ancestors lived. Even since childhood they familiarize themselves with conditions in antarapermainan demikian.Ada's now not played yet but is only known by the parents and grandparents only.
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