Craft Museum
Craft Museum (Balai Getam Guri) located in Kornpleks Handicraft Village. The museum building is part of the building reserved for Handicraft Village Kelantan State Museum Corporation and made Craft Museum. In area is 5 square meters and 9:39 1:52 meters wide. The museum is located in central Kota Bharu, in the area of culture, building is also located close to the 'Bamboo Market Fortress "is famous for. Journey from Craft Museum to downtown Kota, Bharu is approximately 0.5 miles.
Building Craft Museum is located next to the Lower City Road, which is adjacent to the Istana Balai Besar, in front of the Royal Museums (Castle Rock) and behind it there are stations owned by the Company Mini Bus Vehicle Melayu Kelantan (MCMC).
Building site originally belonged to His Majesty, Al-Sultan of Kelantan. This area was once filled with squatters then cleared to serve children's playground. The building was constructed on March 9, 1991 and was later known as the Village Handicraft
Building Designs
These buildings use Kelantan Malay architecture, Attractive, including building design, ridges, walls and roof ridge five. The roof of locally made bricks. The ceiling is made of woven bamboo (inci * rye), widow style jeweled walls, use a torch-torch pemeleh floral bitter. Scales anginienis 'Pokok' floral saffron. Sehinggake dibukaterus floor window. Lantainyadibuattinggi in manabahagian which made room for handicraft activities such as those found in villages in Bihar in the past. The two-storey roof and use perneleh. Almost entirely woods cengal hard and durable.
Building Features and Present Collection
The building is used as a museum that houses the famous Art Handicrafts Bihar, which contains a wide variety of weaving, dyeing and various patterns as well as embroidery and weaving songket. These items will not only showcase the beauty of art craft, but has a particular feature Darulnaim Kelantan as a state rich with art. This last function of the museum as well as provide facilities for researchers to study art handicraft tradition and cultural heritage of Kelantan.
Crafts building is also used as a further develop Kelantan handicraft industry, and also in preserving the heritage of traditional arts to enhance the socio-economic status of entrepreneurs and encourage the advancement of traditional arts. Ancillary activities such as projects of socio-economics, workshops, seminars and art are also available.
The building stands out in terms of design keistimewaanya tradition using local flower carvings. The raw materials are practically entirely from Kelantan itself as bamboo, wood, roofing and others. Here also terkumpuinya handmade artwork Kelantan Malay community, whether for sale or exhibition.
The museum is open every day except Friday from 8.30 am to 4.45 pm.
Charges are RM1.00 for adults and RM0.50 for children.
Craft Museum
Lower Fort Street
15000 Kota Bharu
Tel: 09-7482266
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