Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Kelantan Museum

State Museum was officially opened by His Royal Highness the Sultan of Kelantan on August 6, 1990. Museum is located next to the circle in the complex field Tuan Padang Land and District Office building in Kota Bharu. In the same complex is also Kelantan Tourist Information Centre TIC . Background Kelantan State Museum building is a stone building. Before it was a museum office for Kota Bharu Municipal Council. The building has been renovated and made ​​some changes according to a museum. The interior of the building in 1988, this museum has been modified by adding another half floor and provide a loophole for dividing the flow of the story set for the museum. Museum exhibits flow state is as follows. Space initially displays the history of Kelantan since the beginning to the modern era. At the half floor above was an exhibition of Culture Kelantan; puppet play equipment including sweet tambourine Makyong menora and others. At the bottom of the building, besides from showing history of Kelantan housed general offices of the Kelantan State Museum Corporation Museum Director's Office and other parts.

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