Monday, July 21, 2014


At the Kota Bharu Craft Village ( Kampung Kraf Tangan ) you can buy a wide range of handcrafts which make excellent presents of souvenirs . The handicrafts produced here illustrate not only the exquisite craftsmanship of the people of Kelantan , but also their cultural history, which has been passed down the generations .
Located in Jalan Hilir Kota in the cultural zone of Kota Bharu,it was opened in July 1991 to spur the development of the traditional handicraft industry in the state. The Sultana of Kelantan officiated the opening ceremony.

The building in the complex are constructed in traditional Kelantan Malay style and are named after popular flower and plants . The main building, Balai (or hall ) Getam Guri is a handicraft museum . Balai Bayam Peraksi houses the office of the Handicraft Foundation . Balai Kenerak, Balai Kecubung , Balai Tapak Leman and Balai Saga Kenering are where handicrafts are retailed. They also house the production areas for handicrafts such as batik,ceramics and silver .

 This video is show how to tour guide.We can learn it from this video.

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