Sunday, August 3, 2014


Kelantan is known as the “Cradle of Malay Culture”. The Kelantanese have kept alive their rich traditions and customs, giving the State an old-world charm. Kelantan is not only renowned for its batik cloth production but is a thriving centre of cultural arts like Wayang Kulit, Dikir Barat, Mak Yong and Rebana Ubi. It is also famous for the traditional sports of kite-flying and top-spinning.
Places of Interest

Towns, Infrastructure & Recreation
• Kota Bharu
• Gelanggang Seni (Cultural Centre)
• Royal Museum
• War Museum
• Islamic Museum
• Museum of Royal Traditions and Customs
• Istana Balai Besar
• Merdeka Square
• State Mosque
• Kelantan Handicraft Village and Craft Museum
• Kota Bharu Market
• Silvercraft Centre
• Gua Musang
• Dataran Air Molek
• Pasir Mas Bird Park
• Jeli
• Pusat Daya Cipta
• Pengkalan Kubur
• Tengku Anis Orchid Park

Islands & Beaches
• Cahaya Bulan Beach
• Irama Beach
• Pantai Bisikan Bayu
• Pantai Sabak
• Sri Tujuh Beach
Natural Attractions
• Beringin Waterfalls
• Dabong
• Gua Musang
• Kuala Koh
• Lenang Rapids
• Jelawang Waterfalls
• Pasu Rapids

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Traditional Games

Traditional games could form a part of life experienced by our ancestors. The main thing that ensures the continuity of traditional games in the past is the uniformity of the way our ancestors lived. Traditional games also known as rakyat.Ada game between the current game is not played yet but is only known by the parents and grandparents sahaja.Tetapi some are still played again by children today.

Wau Bulan

Traditional games are still maintained to this day.
This traditional game has been played since time immemorial, it is meant to give pleasure after a hard bekerja.Sekarang traditional games are played by young people less time now because of competition with more sophisticated games.
Multi-racial society in Malaysia has worked on a wide variety of cultures from various keturunan.Kebudayaan was consolidated into a unique culture because almost every line has a custom to form their respective cultures.

Traditional games have the ability to form a part of life experienced by the ancestors of their respective communities. Important basis to ensure continuity of traditional games in the past is uniformity way our ancestors lived. Even since childhood they familiarize themselves with conditions in antarapermainan demikian.Ada's now not played yet but is only known by the parents and grandparents only.

Craft Museum

Craft Museum (Balai Getam Guri) located in Kornpleks Handicraft Village. The museum building is part of the building reserved for Handicraft Village Kelantan State Museum Corporation and made Craft Museum. In area is 5 square meters and 9:39 1:52 meters wide. The museum is located in central Kota Bharu, in the area of ​​culture, building is also located close to the 'Bamboo Market Fortress "is famous for. Journey from Craft Museum to downtown Kota, Bharu is approximately 0.5 miles. 

Building Craft Museum is located next to the Lower City Road, which is adjacent to the Istana Balai Besar, in front of the Royal Museums (Castle Rock) and behind it there are stations owned by the Company Mini Bus Vehicle Melayu Kelantan (MCMC). 

Building site originally belonged to His Majesty, Al-Sultan of Kelantan. This area was once filled with squatters then cleared to serve children's playground. The building was constructed on March 9, 1991 and was later known as the Village Handicraft 

Building Designs 
These buildings use Kelantan Malay architecture, Attractive, including building design, ridges, walls and roof ridge five. The roof of locally made bricks. The ceiling is made of woven bamboo (inci * rye), widow style jeweled walls, use a torch-torch pemeleh floral bitter. Scales anginienis 'Pokok' floral saffron. Sehinggake dibukaterus floor window. Lantainyadibuattinggi in manabahagian which made ​​room for handicraft activities such as those found in villages in Bihar in the past. The two-storey roof and use perneleh. Almost entirely woods cengal hard and durable. 

Building Features and Present Collection 
The building is used as a museum that houses the famous Art Handicrafts Bihar, which contains a wide variety of weaving, dyeing and various patterns as well as embroidery and weaving songket. These items will not only showcase the beauty of art craft, but has a particular feature Darulnaim Kelantan as a state rich with art. This last function of the museum as well as provide facilities for researchers to study art handicraft tradition and cultural heritage of Kelantan. 
Crafts building is also used as a further develop Kelantan handicraft industry, and also in preserving the heritage of traditional arts to enhance the socio-economic status of entrepreneurs and encourage the advancement of traditional arts. Ancillary activities such as projects of socio-economics, workshops, seminars and art are also available. 

The building stands out in terms of design keistimewaanya tradition using local flower carvings. The raw materials are practically entirely from Kelantan itself as bamboo, wood, roofing and others. Here also terkumpuinya handmade artwork Kelantan Malay community, whether for sale or exhibition. 

The museum is open every day except Friday from 8.30 am to 4.45 pm. 

Charges are RM1.00 for adults and RM0.50 for children. 

Craft Museum 
Lower Fort Street 
15000 Kota Bharu 
Tel: 09-7482266

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

KB Mall Shopping Complex

Kota Bharu Mall or KB Mall is the famous shopping complex in Kelantan.

The location of KB Mall is strategically located on the main route into the city of Kota Bharu and is adjacent to a shopping complex Tune Hotel is the ideal focal point for both locals as well as visitors from outside.

Shopping complex is ideal if visiting family either to buy goods or relax-relaxed requirements.

The main foyer at KB Mall is an area that is often used for various types of activities such as exhibitions, theater and more.

If you want to buy a wide variety of goods such as clothing, kitchen items and much more, visit the Pacific Hypermarket may be found in this KB Mall.

Kerapu Bank

Memorial to World War 11 (Grouper Bank Building) is located on a parcel of land Lot No.. 31 in Kota Bharu Cultural Zone. The building footprint is 1,986.36 square meters. Its location is on the downstream side Padang Merdeka (formerly known as Padang Bank) bordering the Islamic Museum in the East and the west of the complex bordered on the Customs Office, on the banks of the Limpopo River.

The distance from the city center is approximately 0.5 miles. There is a city bus service through the area. This area includes the 'Culture Zone' which contains historic buildings and famous. Including building the Islamic Religious Council (Islamic Museum), Muhammadi Mosque, Istana Jahar (Royal King Custom Museum). Central Palace and Castle Rock (Royal Museum).

Kota Bharu town, especially shopping centers, Central Market, State Secretary Office of the City Darulnaim, Police and others are not far away and can be reached by foot, by minibus or taxi service in the city tricycle (rickshaw).


The original site of this building is owned by Nik Yusoff bin Nik Abd. Majid called Dato 'Sri Paduka Raja. He is better known by Pak Pak Nik Nik Soh Ad or also called Sri Paduka Nik Nik Yusoff or Sri Paduka. He is a renowned Speaker Bihar since time pernerintahan Sultan Ahmad (1886-1889) and Sultan Muhammad 111 times (1889-1890). He was appointed as the Chief Minister of Bihar from 1894 to 1900.

Estate building site was purchased by the bank "The Mercantile Bank of India Limited, a building bank branches in Bihar. Bank building was constructed and completed and used in 1912. Manager was Mr Muir of an Englishman.

The walls of the building with cement berkerutu posted. In Bihar district's non-slip condition called 'grouper'. From the bank was known as Grouper Bank until today.

Bank Grouper is a historic building located on the downstream side Padang Merdeka in Kota Bharu Kelantan. In 1912 the building was completed and put into use as a bank by the Mercatile Bank of India Ltd. The building is the first bank to open in Bihar. Bank Grouper is built on a plot of land owned by a local chief named Nik Yusoff bin Nik Abdul Majid. This building is also a first in Bihar building construction using bricks. Bihar more familiar with the local community building as grouper Bank building as part of this bangunaan cemented surface using small bricks causing an uneven surface and a sputter. During World War II the Japanese secret police have used this building as their headquarters. The building is also used as a prison and place of investigation of abuse involving other terrorism activities. When the Japanese surrendered and the British ruled the country back of the building used as a bank. In 1977, the bank's name changed to The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, and in 1981 the building was used also as Art Galleries and crafts Bihar. From 1992 the building was used as a World War II Memorial in Bihar. Starting in 1992, the building was used as a memorial to World War II, which began landing troops in Malaya. Building features and exhibits more than 1000 exhibits related to the war which consists of photographs and artifacts articles. Other exhibits include photos of Sultan Ismail Petra as the Honorary Colonel of the Royal Regiment of Artillery Malaysia Kelantan-Thai relations history before independence of Malaya and the lives of people in Bihar Britisih before and after the war. The bike was used by the Japanese army entered the city of Kota Bharu while also exhibited here.

Kelantan Museum

State Museum was officially opened by His Royal Highness the Sultan of Kelantan on August 6, 1990. Museum is located next to the circle in the complex field Tuan Padang Land and District Office building in Kota Bharu. In the same complex is also Kelantan Tourist Information Centre TIC . Background Kelantan State Museum building is a stone building. Before it was a museum office for Kota Bharu Municipal Council. The building has been renovated and made ​​some changes according to a museum. The interior of the building in 1988, this museum has been modified by adding another half floor and provide a loophole for dividing the flow of the story set for the museum. Museum exhibits flow state is as follows. Space initially displays the history of Kelantan since the beginning to the modern era. At the half floor above was an exhibition of Culture Kelantan; puppet play equipment including sweet tambourine Makyong menora and others. At the bottom of the building, besides from showing history of Kelantan housed general offices of the Kelantan State Museum Corporation Museum Director's Office and other parts.

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